Our trip to the (daytime) Night Noodle Market would not have been complete without a Puffle. While researching the event I caught a glimpse of a treat that resembled bubble-wrap, and my curiosity was piqued.
We arrived at the botanic gardens for an outdoor matinee kids’ version comedy of Treasure Island. Mary Beth got the girls set up on a picnic blanket, and I hoofed it to the Noodle Market to pick up lunch. Boy, was I in luck… They had savory Puffles! We shared an Ultimate Puffle, which was a “puffle” cone filled with cheeseburger (similar to a Philly cheese steak filling) and Korean Fried Chicken. The Puffle itself was a light, airy, egg waffle, with gumball-sized pockets of air.
After the show we went over to the Noodle Market as a family, and met up with some friends. We soon realized that one Puffle was not enough. It was time for a sweet Puffle!

We decided to go with the Cookie Crumble Teddy Party Puffle because, as much fun as the rainbow one was, Daddy did not want Nerds or Fruit Loops in his ice cream. Annie was happy with the Teddy Grams and Oreos, and Daddy was happy with the caramel corn and salted caramel.

The Puffle was just as good as a waffle-topped-with-ice-cream-caramel-corn-cookies-and-chocolate-and-salted-caramel-sauce sounds.
Peter: ????? (out of 5 stars)
Annie: ??????????(out of 5 stars)