Mommy’s Rules:
- Girls need to take turns when they are squawking. Only one girl squawking at a time.
- No sitting on the baby.
- No spitting at Mommy or Daddy, or at the baby, even if you are really angry with them.
- No licking things. This includes Daddy’s hand, bus windows, the soles of shoes, money, and electrical outlets. And, of course, the baby.
- No deliberately dumping entire cups of water on the carpet.
- No shrieking as loudly as possible, in the bank or anywhere else.
- No pretending Mommy’s jewelry is candy and then sucking on it.
- No trying to gouge out Mommy’s eyes (this is mainly for Cora).
- No sticking fingers up Mommy’s nose (for both children). This can lead to a bloody nose.
- When the baby is sleeping, no shouting in her face, or rocking her car seat to wake her up (this rule is invariably ignored).
- No drinking bath water or licking bath toys – see Rule 4.
- No shoving non-food items into the baby’s mouth, even though she does not seem to mind.