Easter Weekend: a few photos

by Mary Beth

Saturday: a Day of Dance

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On Saturdays during the lockdown, the Royal New Zealand Ballet broadcasts a recording of an old favorite ballet. When they broadcast Midsummer Night’s Dream over Easter weekend, Annie and her mommy set up a theater in the living room and wore her fanciest dress. She picked out outfits for all the rest of the ladies in the family as well, and invited only her best-dressed dolls. Chandelier Angel and Alice “Sweetbud” Olivia got front-row seats, as they clearly knew how to dress for a ballet. In this photo, Annie does some ballet in anticipation of the performance.
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Easter Sunday

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Easter morning! Time to crush Daddy under the combined weight of his offspring.
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Cora in her chosen Easter finery
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Posing for a beautiful Easter portrait
Mysterious cake left on the top of the stove in the evening. Annie is currently collecting evidence regarding its origins.

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